People have been trying to lose weight for decades.
It’s not a new concept.
We have a better understanding of the body more than any other time in our existence.
So why do so many people still struggle to get results?
After working with thousands of people, here are the top 3 weight loss mistakes we see.
1. Being too restrictive.
Most people are like a light switch… they are either on or off.
When trying to lose weight, people restrict waaaay too much.
-How many calories they eat.
-No carbs.
-No dairy.
-How often they eat.
-The hours they eat during the day.
We’re human! We are not designed this way. It’s 100% unsustainable.
2. Eliminating things you enjoy.
You don’t have to be fit OR have a life. You can have both!
I see people give up foods they love and avoid social situations because they are trying to stick to a plan.
If you can’t see yourself sticking with the plan for the rest of your life, you are setting yourself up for failure.
Re-think your plan to balance it with your lifestyle.
3. Always focusing on weight loss.
You’ll get frustrated REALLY quickly and quit on your plan.
Weight loss is only one way to track success- your strength, energy, mindset, etc. are all non-scale victories that deserve to be celebrated!
Focus on being consistent with your workouts and nutrition. If you do, you are guaranteed to see results.
Now you know what not to do…
So where do you go from here?
At Florida Personal Training, our nutrition specialist build our programs to be sustainable. If you’re ready to get started with a plan that you can stick with visit to get started today!
Call or email today. Let’s do this!